Realtime RGB LED Driver for Linux

What is Eruption?

Eruption consists of a core daemon providing an integrated Lua interpreter and additional plugin components. Its primary usage is to execute Lua scripts that may react to certain events on the system like e.g. Timer tick, Key press or Mouse move and subsequently control the connected devices and transform the user input via the integrated programmable macro feature.

Features in a Nutshell

System requirements

What does Eruption require to run?

Some of the profiles require a CPU built later than 2015 with support for SIMD/AVX2


Arch Linux and derivatives like ArcoLinux or Manjaro
paru -Syu aur/eruption

systemctl --user enable --now eruption-fx-proxy.service
systemctl --user enable --now eruption-audio-proxy.service
systemctl --user enable --now eruption-process-monitor.service

sudo systemctl enable --now eruption.service
Fedora based
sudo dnf copr enable x3n0m0rph59/eruption
sudo dnf install eruption

systemctl --user enable --now eruption-fx-proxy.service
systemctl --user enable --now eruption-audio-proxy.service
systemctl --user enable --now eruption-process-monitor.service

sudo systemctl enable --now eruption.service
Ubuntu or Pop!_OS
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:x3n0m0rph59/eruption
sudo apt update
sudo apt install eruption

systemctl --user enable --now eruption-fx-proxy.service
systemctl --user enable --now eruption-audio-proxy.service
systemctl --user enable --now eruption-process-monitor.service

sudo systemctl enable --now eruption.service
Build from Source
git clone
cd eruption
sudo make install
make start

To remove Eruption from your system run:

make stop
sudo make uninstall

Please refer to for further information, e.g. the dependencies you need to install to be able to successfully build Eruption from source.

After the Setup

You may want to try the Eruption Profile Switcher GNOME 4x Shell extension that enables easy switching of profiles on the fly!